




“A script is just a pile of words waiting to become something more, so to have your work performed is always a thrill. To have your work published is a rewarding bonus and privilege.” - RE

“A script is just a pile of words waiting to become something more, so to have your work performed is always a thrill. To have your work published is a rewarding bonus and privilege.” - RE

“A script is just a pile of words waiting to become something more, so to have your work performed is always a thrill. To have your work published is a rewarding bonus and privilege.” - RE

“A script is just a pile of words waiting to become something more, so to have your work performed is always a thrill. To have your work published is a rewarding bonus and privilege.” - RE

“A script is just a pile of words waiting to become something more, so to have your work performed is always a thrill. To have your work published is a rewarding bonus and privilege.” - RE

Richard Everett’s sketches are skewers through the pomposity of religion, that can also provide a well marinated kebab for the soul.

Milton Jones


Sound BItes

…Including Mission Accomplished, the sketch that made Prince William and Kate and the Middleton family rock with laughter on Christmas morning!

A collection of 30 seasonal sketches designed to work like mini radio plays, Sound Bites covers Christmas, New year, Lent and Easter, Mothering Sunday, Father’s Day and other occasions.

Richard Everett’s sketches are skewers through the pomposity of religion, that can also provide a well marinated kebab for the soul.

Milton Jones


Sound BItes

…Including Mission Accomplished, the sketch that made Prince William and Kate and the Middleton family rock with laughter on Christmas morning!

A collection of 30 seasonal sketches designed to work like mini radio plays, Sound Bites covers Christmas, New year, Lent and Easter, Mothering Sunday, Father’s Day and other occasions.

Richard Everett’s sketches are skewers through the pomposity of religion, that can also provide a well marinated kebab for the soul.

Milton Jones


Sound BItes

…Including Mission Accomplished, the sketch that made Prince William and Kate and the Middleton family rock with laughter on Christmas morning!

A collection of 30 seasonal sketches designed to work like mini radio plays, Sound Bites covers Christmas, New year, Lent and Easter, Mothering Sunday, Father’s Day and other occasions.

Richard Everett’s sketches are skewers through the pomposity of religion, that can also provide a well marinated kebab for the soul.

Milton Jones


Sound BItes

…Including Mission Accomplished, the sketch that made Prince William and Kate and the Middleton family rock with laughter on Christmas morning!

A collection of 30 seasonal sketches designed to work like mini radio plays, Sound Bites covers Christmas, New year, Lent and Easter, Mothering Sunday, Father’s Day and other occasions.

It is good to have an established playwright finding fresh ways to explore ancient truths. I am sure SOUND BITES will reach and touch a wide range of readers, performers and audiences alike.

Dr. Rowan Williams

Former Archbishop

of Canterbury

It is good to have an established playwright finding fresh ways to explore ancient truths. I am sure SOUND BITES will reach and touch a wide range of readers, performers and audiences alike.

It is good to have an established playwright finding fresh ways to explore ancient truths. I am sure SOUND BITES will reach and touch a wide range of readers, performers and audiences alike.

It is good to have an established playwright finding fresh ways to explore ancient truths.

I am sure SOUND BITES will reach and touch a wide range of readers, performers and audiences alike.

It is good to have an established playwright finding fresh ways to explore ancient truths. I am sure SOUND BITES will reach and touch a wide range of readers, performers and audiences alike.

Dr. Rowan Williams

Dr. Rowan Williams

Former Archbishop

of Canterbury

Former Archbishop

of Canterbury









Entertaining Angels

Stage play. Full Length comedy drama

Set in a clergy household, the play opened at the Chichester Festival Theatre in 2006 starring Penelope Keith where it played to a record-breaking 26,000 people in 3 weeks. It now has over 200 productions to its credit.

“Richard Everett has written a warm, glowing, serious comedy, like an Ayckbourn play finished by JM Barrie.”

- The Sunday Times

Something To Say

Stage play. Drama . One act - 60 minutes

Maddie wants to confess something important to her husband David, but he is unresponsive. After persisting, Maddie finally confesses, only to receive an unexpected and extreme reaction from David. This sets off an evening of strange events for both of them.

“This darkly comedic and beautifully observed study of infidelity probes a marriage in crisis with touching insight and wit.”

Present From The Past

Stage play. Full Length comedy drama

Frances, Howard and Rachel have always believed that their father, David, died in a boating accident when they were children … but he didn’t. When the three siblings gather to clear out the house of their recently deceased mother, several long-hidden secrets are revealed, but none of the skeletons to fall from their collective closets is more tangible or more shocking than David, who arrives with the news that the house is, in fact, now his.

Close To The Wind

Stage play. Full Length comedy drama

Gerry and Kate's twenty-three-year marriage is in trouble due to distractions like homes and children. With the children leaving, Kate feels useless and wonders if their marriage was a mistake. A disastrous outing with Gerry's mother and a failed attempt at salvaging the evening worsen the situation. Their daughter Louise, her boyfriend Julian, and Mary's partner Roy add to the comedic mishaps and mid-life crisis. However, the play ends with Gerry and Kate on the sofa, reminiscent of mischievous teenagers.

Hand Over Fist

Stage play. Full Length comedy / farce

Angus comes home in the 1980s after a heart attack caused by work stress. However, chaos awaits him. The builders are working on an extension, his son Philip is involved in drug use and stock trading, and his brother and sister-in-law regularly visit with financial problems. Instead of finding peace, Angus decides to return to work for his recovery, frustrating Connie's efforts to help him relax and adding to his stress.

Happy Event

Stage play. Full length comedy/farce.

A pregnant wife is loath to inform her husband in case it jeopardises his career. Telling the neighbours, however, does not help…

“Listen to BBC award-winning recordings from SOUND BITES!”

“Listen to BBC award-winning recordings


“Listen to BBC award-winning recordings from SOUND BITES!”

“Listen to BBC award-winning recordings from SOUND BITES!”

“Listen to BBC award-winning recordings from SOUND BITES!”

Award winning recordings below performed by RE and Michele de Casonove.
Produced by Emily Jeffery and first Broadcast on BBC Surrey & Sussex
Award winning recordings below performed
by RE and Michele de Casonove.
Produced by Emily Jeffery and first Broadcast on BBC Surrey & Sussex
Award winning recordings below performed by RE and Michele de Casonove.
Produced by Emily Jeffery and first Broadcast on BBC Surrey & Sussex
Award winning recordings below performed by RE and Michele de Casonove.
Produced by Emily Jeffery and first Broadcast on BBC Surrey & Sussex

Mission Accomplished


A senior angel is in meltdown as a junior angel reports back explaining that the Bethlehem Hilton was booked.

Mission Accomplished


A senior angel is in meltdown as a junior angel reports back explaining that the Bethlehem Hilton was booked.

Mission Accomplished


A senior angel is in meltdown as a junior angel reports back explaining that the Bethlehem Hilton was booked.

Mission Accomplished


A senior angel is in meltdown as a junior angel reports back explaining that the Bethlehem Hilton was booked.

Mission Accomplished


A senior angel is in meltdown as a junior angel reports back explaining that the Bethlehem Hilton was booked.

Still No Room At The Inn


After 2,000 years Mary and Joseph are still looking for somewhere to stay and people are still finding reasons to turn them away.

Still No Room At The Inn


After 2,000 years Mary and Joseph are still looking for somewhere to stay and people are still finding reasons to turn them away.

Still No Room At The Inn


After 2,000 years Mary and Joseph are still looking for somewhere to stay and people are still finding reasons to turn them away.

Still No Room At The Inn


After 2,000 years Mary and Joseph are still looking for somewhere to stay and people are still finding reasons to turn them away.

Still No Room At The Inn


After 2,000 years Mary and Joseph are still looking for somewhere to stay and people are still finding reasons to turn them away.

A Soldier's Tale


A Roman soldier on duty at execution hill has a strange encounter while fishing on his day off a week later.

A Soldier's Tale


A Roman soldier on duty at execution hill has a strange encounter while fishing on his day off a week later.

A Soldier's Tale


A Roman soldier on duty at execution hill has a strange encounter while fishing on his day off a week later.

A Soldier's Tale


A Roman soldier on duty at execution hill has a strange encounter while fishing on his day off a week later.

A Soldier's Tale


A Roman soldier on duty at execution hill has a strange encounter while fishing on his day off a week later.

Creation Conference


The dawn of time, the Archangel fields questions from the heavenly host on who or what this new creation is for, why ‘They’ have gone to all this trouble to make it, and what happens if it all goes wrong.

Creation Conference


The dawn of time, the Archangel fields questions from the heavenly host on who or what this new creation is for, why ‘They’ have gone to all this trouble to make it, and what happens if it all goes wrong.

Creation Conference


The dawn of time, the Archangel fields questions from the heavenly host on who or what this new creation is for, why ‘They’ have gone to all this trouble to make it, and what happens if it all goes wrong.

Creation Conference


The dawn of time, the Archangel fields questions from the heavenly host on who or what this new creation is for, why ‘They’ have gone to all this trouble to make it, and what happens if it all goes wrong.

Creation Conference


The dawn of time, the Archangel fields questions from the heavenly host on who or what this new creation is for, why ‘They’ have gone to all this trouble to make it, and what happens if it all goes wrong.

The Fairy and the Snowman


The Christmas tree fairy (who used to be action man until someone stuck a tutu on him) wants to know why they are there what they’re all doing dangling off a tree.

The Fairy and the Snowman


The Christmas tree fairy (who used to be action man until someone stuck a tutu on him) wants to know why they are there what they’re all doing dangling off a tree.

The Fairy and the Snowman


The Christmas tree fairy (who used to be action man until someone stuck a tutu on him) wants to know why they are there what they’re all doing dangling off a tree.

The Fairy and the Snowman


The Christmas tree fairy (who used to be action man until someone stuck a tutu on him) wants to know why they are there what they’re all doing dangling off a tree.

The Fairy and the Snowman


The Christmas tree fairy (who used to be action man until someone stuck a tutu on him) wants to know why they are there what they’re all doing dangling off a tree.

Happy New Year


"Mrs Fickle wants her usual groceries and half a pound of New Year’s Resolutions, but Mrs. Grovel, the shopkeeper, advises against them as they don’t keep and can’t be frozen. Instead, all that's left is a dusty old offer from 'God & Son PLC'."

Happy New Year


"Mrs Fickle wants her usual groceries and half a pound of New Year’s Resolutions, but Mrs. Grovel, the shopkeeper, advises against them as they don’t keep and can’t be frozen. Instead, all that's left is a dusty old offer from 'God & Son PLC'."

Happy New Year


"Mrs Fickle wants her usual groceries and half a pound of New Year’s Resolutions, but Mrs. Grovel, the shopkeeper, advises against them as they don’t keep and can’t be frozen. Instead, all that's left is a dusty old offer from 'God & Son PLC'."

Happy New Year


"Mrs Fickle wants her usual groceries and half a pound of New Year’s Resolutions, but Mrs. Grovel, the shopkeeper, advises against them as they don’t keep and can’t be frozen. Instead, all that's left is a dusty old offer from 'God & Son PLC'."

Happy New Year


"Mrs Fickle wants her usual groceries and half a pound of New Year’s Resolutions, but Mrs. Grovel, the shopkeeper, advises against them as they don’t keep and can’t be frozen. Instead, all that's left is a dusty old offer from 'God & Son PLC'."

The Priest, the Guard and the Empty Tomb






Based on a few verses in Matthew’s gospel, a guard tells the Chief Priest about a situation at the dead Galilean's tomb. The Priest tries to bribe him but the Guard wants to know the truth.

Mother's Day


When a son arrives at his mother’s house with flowers on Mothering Sunday he is greeted at the door by someone he doesn’t recognise and who insists she is God.

Mother's Day


When a son arrives at his mother’s house with flowers on Mothering Sunday he is greeted at the door by someone he doesn’t recognise and who insists she is God.

Mother's Day


When a son arrives at his mother’s house with flowers on Mothering Sunday he is greeted at the door by someone he doesn’t recognise and who insists she is God.

Mother's Day


When a son arrives at his mother’s house with flowers on Mothering Sunday he is greeted at the door by someone he doesn’t recognise and who insists she is God.

Mother's Day


When a son arrives at his mother’s house with flowers on Mothering Sunday he is greeted at the door by someone he doesn’t recognise and who insists she is God.

The Shepherd's Eye


Jethro the shepherd wakes his wife in the night and persuades her to come and see a baby. She’s not convinced and reckons he’s been at ‘the sauce’ again.

The Shepherd's Eye


Jethro the shepherd wakes his wife in the night and persuades her to come and see a baby. She’s not convinced and reckons he’s been at ‘the sauce’ again.

The Shepherd's Eye


Jethro the shepherd wakes his wife in the night and persuades her to come and see a baby. She’s not convinced and reckons he’s been at ‘the sauce’ again.

The Shepherd's Eye


Jethro the shepherd wakes his wife in the night and persuades her to come and see a baby. She’s not convinced and reckons he’s been at ‘the sauce’ again.

The Shepherd's Eye


Jethro the shepherd wakes his wife in the night and persuades her to come and see a baby. She’s not convinced and reckons he’s been at ‘the sauce’ again.

Give Us Back Our Donkey


Jethro is in trouble when his wife, Miriam, discovers he has let a couple of total strangers steal their precious donkey ‘Caesar’ and some lunatic is now joy-riding it round the town.

Give Us Back Our Donkey


Jethro is in trouble when his wife, Miriam, discovers he has let a couple of total strangers steal their precious donkey ‘Caesar’ and some lunatic is now joy-riding it round the town.

Give Us Back Our Donkey


Jethro is in trouble when his wife, Miriam, discovers he has let a couple of total strangers steal their precious donkey ‘Caesar’ and some lunatic is now joy-riding it round the town.

Give Us Back Our Donkey


Jethro is in trouble when his wife, Miriam, discovers he has let a couple of total strangers steal their precious donkey ‘Caesar’ and some lunatic is now joy-riding it round the town.

Give Us Back Our Donkey


Jethro is in trouble when his wife, Miriam, discovers he has let a couple of total strangers steal their precious donkey ‘Caesar’ and some lunatic is now joy-riding it round the town.

The Lent Inspector






An official from a government dept called the KGB (Keeping God in a Box) calls to collect a woman’s completed WIGUL Form (What I’m Giving Up for Lent) – i.e. 10 things without which she will be absolutely miserable until Easter.

What on Earth is Prayer




Two examples from the meditations & monologues adaptable for more than one voice.

What on Earth is Prayer




Two examples from the meditations & monologues adaptable for more than one voice.

What on Earth is Prayer




Two examples from the meditations & monologues adaptable for more than one voice.

What on Earth is Prayer




Two examples from the meditations & monologues adaptable for more than one voice.

What on Earth is Prayer




Two examples from the meditations & monologues adaptable for more than one voice.


7 new sketches and 2 meditations ..


7 new sketches and 2 meditations ..


7 new sketches and 2 meditations ..


7 new sketches and 2 meditations ..

Branding Jesus

Two pushy advertising execs pitch a PR campaign to Jesus to help him improve his profile.

The Ox and The Ass

A disgruntled Ox complains to a tired donkey about a family of refugees that has taken up residence in his front room and a child asleep in his food trough.

Life After Birth

Twins in the womb discussing whether there might be anything beyond 9 months and the amniotic fluid.

Arriving Home

A guest in a hotel room is puzzled to find that all his ‘baggage’ has been thrown out in reception, the view from his room is strangely familiar and he is to be guest of honour at a banquet that evening.

Basil in Bethlehem

Basil the innkeeper rants at his wife Sybil for having let a single mother and her dad, together with a bunch of shepherds, into his precious hotel.

In Conversation with a Turkey

A pheasant discusses the meaning of Christmas with a turkey who seems tragically unaware of the catering arrangements.

The Baptism

A pheasant discusses the meaning of Christmas with a turkey who seems tragically unaware of the catering arrangements.

Son Rise

A meditation in verse for Easter morning.


A meditation in verse for Remembrance Sunday.

Branding Jesus

Two pushy advertising execs pitch a PR campaign to Jesus to help him improve his profile.

The Ox and The Ass

A disgruntled Ox complains to a tired donkey about a family of refugees that has taken up residence in his front room and a child asleep in his food trough.

Life After Birth

Twins in the womb discussing whether there might be anything beyond 9 months and the amniotic fluid.

Arriving Home

A guest in a hotel room is puzzled to find that all his ‘baggage’ has been thrown out in reception, the view from his room is strangely familiar and he is to be guest of honour at a banquet that evening.

Basil in Bethlehem

Basil the innkeeper rants at his wife Sybil for having let a single mother and her dad, together with a bunch of shepherds, into his precious hotel.

In Conversation with a Turkey

A pheasant discusses the meaning of Christmas with a turkey who seems tragically unaware of the catering arrangements.

The Baptism

A pheasant discusses the meaning of Christmas with a turkey who seems tragically unaware of the catering arrangements.

Son Rise

A meditation in verse for Easter morning.


A meditation in verse for Remembrance Sunday.

Here's what to do next…

For £25 you will receive the scripts and a performance licence. To purchase click here. As soon as Paypal notifies me (usually instantly) I will email the scripts to you in PDF form. Your Paypal receipt will act as your licence.

If any of that sounds too complicated, inconvenient, or you have further questions– click here and we will sort something out!

Richard discusses his work, his faith and Sound Bites…
Richard discusses his work,
his faith and Sound Bites…