




“Movies are marathons and writing a screenplay has become a contemporary science, but whatever the audience or size of project I find it's always about the simple art of storytelling - which I often find elusively difficult." - RE

“Movies are marathons and writing a screenplay has become a contemporary science, but whatever the audience or size of project I find it's always about the simple art of storytelling - which I often find elusively difficult." - RE

“Movies are marathons and writing a screenplay has become a contemporary science, but whatever the audience or size of project I find it's always about the simple art of storytelling - which I often find elusively difficult." - RE

“Movies are marathons and writing a screenplay has become a contemporary science, but whatever the audience or size of project I find it's always about the simple art of storytelling - which I often find elusively difficult." - RE

“Movies are marathons and writing a screenplay has become a contemporary science, but whatever the audience or size of project I find it's always about the simple art of storytelling - which I often find elusively difficult." - RE

“Two men went to war”

8 years in development this comedy drama tells the true story of two members of the Royal Army Dental Corps, Sergeant Peter King (Kenneth Cranham) and Private Leslie Cuthbertson (Leo Bill) who, in 1942, stole a bag of hand grenades, two revolvers and a set of the best dental equipment that money could buy and went off to invade occupied France on their own. The only person they told was Churchill who, when he found out, was delighted and reportedly said:

“A few more lunatics like those dentists and I could finish this war by Christmas!”

With an all star cast, Two Men Went To War recounts their outrageously irresponsible, yet eccentrically heroic story and has to be of one of the most bizarre events to have occurred in the Second World War.

“Completely mad but true .. destined to become a classic .... a funny, heart-warming and gentle movie .. You won’t be disappointed. WRAP wasn’t.”

“Completely mad but true .. destined to become a classic .... a funny, heart-warming and gentle movie .. You won’t be disappointed. WRAP wasn’t.”

The Wrap

Entertainment News

"A unique blend of wartime comedy … By turns ribald, touching and powerful ..  portrays heroism in a fashion not unlike Robert Altman’s MASH … plays like an English CATCH-22 and boasts an excellent cast."

"A unique blend of wartime comedy … By turns ribald, touching and powerful ..  portrays heroism in a fashion not unlike Robert Altman’s MASH … plays like an English CATCH-22 and boasts an excellent cast."

Home Media Retail

Review Platform

“Completely mad but true .. destined to become a classic .... a funny, heart-warming and gentle movie .. You won’t be disappointed. WRAP wasn’t.”

The Wrap

Entertainment News

"A unique blend of wartime comedy … By turns ribald, touching and powerful ..  portrays heroism in a fashion not unlike Robert Altman’s MASH … plays like an English CATCH-22 and boasts an excellent cast."

Home Media Retail

Review Platform

“Completely mad but true .. destined to become a classic .... a funny, heart-warming and gentle movie .. You won’t be disappointed. WRAP wasn’t.”

The Wrap

Entertainment News

"A unique blend of wartime comedy … By turns ribald, touching and powerful ..  portrays heroism in a fashion not unlike Robert Altman’s MASH … plays like an English CATCH-22 and boasts an excellent cast."

Home Media Retail

Review Platform

“Completely mad but true .. destined to become a classic .... a funny, heart-warming and gentle movie .. You won’t be disappointed. WRAP wasn’t.”

The Wrap

Entertainment News

"A unique blend of wartime comedy … By turns ribald, touching and powerful ..  portrays heroism in a fashion not unlike Robert Altman’s MASH … plays like an English CATCH-22 and boasts an excellent cast."

Home Media Retail

Review Platform

A refreshing British, character-centred delight … charmingly funny/sensitive/uplifting film .. Director John Henderson guides crusty Kenneth Cranham and innocent Leo Bill through their delightful acting journey with a perfect balance of idealism, despair, romance, silliness and man’s indomitable spirit.

MTV/Easy Reader

The making of the movie
Farmhouse Clip

"When playwright Richard Everett read about the true adventures of King and Cuthbertson he realized the comedy potential of the story. He recruited Christopher Villiers as a co-writer, and the pair spent a year writing a screenplay about these two unlikely heroes. Happily, their witty adaptation emphasizes human interest over "war story" action.. John Henderson, who has worked in comedy for many years, signed on as director.

His attention to the special timing needed in depicting humorous situations enriches the film considerably. A splendid film … Thanks to this movie, I've learned about a pair of unlikely heroes from that difficult time -- and I salute them."

-Reel Talk

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"Life After Birth"

"Life After Birth"

"Life After Birth"

"Life After Birth"

‘A finalist at the Jerusalem Trust Award at BAFTA Piccadilly!’

Award winning director Luke Bradford of Frogspawn Creatives filmed actors Andrew Harrison and Julie Higginson in two short pieces, one of which was ‘Life After Birth’.

The idea was inspired by a sermon of the late Henri Nouwen, author and international pastor of the L’Arche Community. The film was subsequently nominated as a finalist for a Jerusalem Trust Award at BAFTA.

Congratulations and thanks to Luke, Andy, Julie and the crew for their excellent work!

‘The Lent Inspector’ was the second of the two pieces Luke filmed with Andy and Julie which you can





“This was a fascinating project and huge challenge to compress the sweeping biblical narrative of the Joseph story into half an hour.

It was beautifully made by Christmas Films, an animation studio in Moscow which I visited.

Using hand made and incredibly complex puppet figures, it was filmed in ‘stop frame’ animation – an incredibly painstaking process shooting just a few seconds a day and taking 8 months to create a 30 minute feature.

It was regularly screened by the BBC as part of a series called ‘Testament’ and was nominated for a BAFTA which was immensely pleasing.” - RE

"Under The Black Flag"

"Under The Black Flag"

"Under The Black Flag"

"Under The Black Flag"

“Having developed a number of concepts and written many scripts for Gerhard Hahn’s studios in Berlin, I was asked to collaborate with Thomas Platt on the screenplay for the studio’s next animated feature.

It is loosely based on the life of the pirate Anne Bonny about whom little is known historically but in our story she is found on the Island of Tortuga by three time travelling young friends.

The character of Anne was physically based on the singer Nena of ’99 Red Balloons’ fame and who sings the title song.” -RE


"The Most Important Person in the World"

"The Most Important Person in the World"

"The Most Important Person in the World"

"The Most Important Person in the World"


“Everywhere you go there are ‘important’ people – in magazines, on TV, and even at airports and football grounds they have reserved places for VIP’s (Very Important People). But how do you get to be an ‘important’ person? What makes someone ‘important’? This short film came from a drama workshop we did about it, and then we went and made a short movie – as you do! We hope you enjoy it.”

“Everywhere you go there are ‘important’ people – in magazines, on TV, and even at airports and football grounds they have reserved places for VIP’s (Very Important People). But how do you get to be an ‘important’ person? What makes someone ‘important’? This short film came from a drama workshop we did about it, and then we went and made a short movie – as you do! We hope you enjoy it.”

“Everywhere you go there are ‘important’ people – in magazines, on TV, and even at airports and football grounds they have reserved places for VIP’s (Very Important People). But how do you get to be an ‘important’ person? What makes someone ‘important’? This short film came from a drama workshop we did about it, and then we went and made a short movie – as you do! We hope you enjoy it.”

“Everywhere you go there are ‘important’ people – in magazines, on TV, and even at airports and football grounds they have reserved places for VIP’s (Very Important People). But how do you get to be an ‘important’ person? What makes someone ‘important’? This short film came from a drama workshop we did about it, and then we went and made a short movie – as you do! We hope you enjoy it.”



This was from another workshop we did making pictures out of the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew’s Gospel. Actually it was good fun making a film and it’s part of a bigger project on peace and love featuring people with learning disabilities living in the community. I hope that you will enjoy the brilliant performances, radiating hope, love and friendship.

Leo is also deeply wounded by his wife appearing to forgive the man who killed their child but unable to forgive him for a momentary indiscretion.

Little by little everyone’s story reveals that while everyone was in their own way responsible for what happened that tragic day, no one was actually to blame. Blame, or the lack of it, is the thing that Hannah has to painfully come to terms with.